in hospital mortality การใช้
- No consistent pattern appeared in hospital mortality rates.
- Again, there was no significant difference in hospital mortality rate between weekends and weekdays . Similarly, Laupland et al ., in 2008, in Canada studied 20, 466 ICU admissions.
- In hospital mortality rates were comparable between the weekday and weekend groups ( 3.6 % vs 3.2 % ) with day of presentation not predictive of outcome ( OR = 1.25; 95 % CI 0.74-2.11 ).
- In multivariable analyses-controlling for the factors associated with mortality such as APACHE ( acute physiology and chronic health evaluation ) III predicted mortality rate, ICU admission source, and intensity of treatment-no statistically significant difference in hospital mortality was found between weekend and weekday admissions in the study population ( OR = 1.06; 95 % CI 0.95-1.17)